Tuesday, September 17, 2019


Author: Anna Quindlen

Another Anna Quindlen book! Just like the previous one, this one too was a pleasure to read! This book is about her journey as a grandparent. The challenges, the fun, the learning, the love - she talks about every aspect of being a grandparent and what makes it so enjoyable is the fact that she's so honest about everything. How there are times when she would like to advice something for her grandchild to his parents but thinks that it is not her place to do so; or when she couldn't control herself and did actually give the advice. How she hired somebody and took formal lessons in the foreign language of her grandchild so that she could converse with them in whatever language they understood. Even though she's a first time grandmother it is amazing how much thought she gives to everything. I love her sense of humor. For example, the time when her grandchild was a baby and crying in the middle of the night. She wanted to go pick him up and cuddle him and put him to sleep but knew that his parents were "sleep training" him and would not like it. Many a times reading her feelings/reactions also reminded me of my mom. I could see her having the same feelings/reactions.

Being a parent myself, I wanted to read this book to understand the world from the eyes of a grandparent. How they feel, what they would like, their predicaments. This was just the perfect book for it.

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